Quick Easy Ways to Get Rid of Rodents

Are you looking for ways to get rid of rats in the home? Rats are unwelcome visitors that can often carry disease and bacterial infections, so it's important you remove them as safely and as swiftly as you can.

While rats are mostly nocturnal, common signs they have entered your home include droppings, rub marks, scratching noises, holes, nests, and footprints. An early sign of rat activity can be the noises their paws make as they travel, especially if you have wooden floor or if they are scurrying along your loft.

We asked the experts to find out the most effective ways to get rid of rats in your home.

How can you recognise the signs of a rat infestation?

"Rats are always in search of warm, dry harbourages and new food sources, particularly during periods of inclement weather. Rodents are nocturnal and can be very difficult to spot in the daytime," David Cross, Head of Technical Training Academy at Rentokil Pest Control tells Country Living.

David says there are some number of tell-tale signs that can indicate a rat infestation. These include...

1. Smell and sound
"Rats have a very strong ammonia smell. On top of this they are often very noisy, making audible scrabbling noises as they move around the home."

"Rats excrete about 40 dark, pellet-shaped droppings per day, which are up to 14mm long. These can be found near any harbourages or entry points."

"Rodents use established routes along walls due to their poor eyesight. You may notice grease marks where rodents brush up against walls and surfaces."

"Rats can leave foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas of your premises. Shining a strong torch at a low angle should reveal tracks clearly. To establish if an infestation is active, sprinkle fine flour or talc along a small stretch of floor near the footprints and check for fresh tracks the next day."

5. Damage
"Rodents can chew through electrical cables, which is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of an infestation as it causes a fire hazard, while also being very difficult to spot. Gnaw marks, shredded paper and damage to storage containers are also common signs of rodent activity."

how to get rid of rats

Alexander W Helin Getty Images

    How do you get rid of rats in the home?

    "If you do identify a rodent problem, there are a number of simple steps that can be taken to minimise the risk of a full infestation from developing in your home," David says.

    1.Seal any gaps
    "Rats can get into your home through exterior gaps and holes, so seal them with wire wool, caulk, metal kick plates or cement. They are also known to enter premises through damaged drains, so it's important to make sure that these are well maintained and checked regularly."

    Remember: If you're unsure how rodents could be entering your home, don't hesitate to ask pest control experts to analyse the site and advise on the potential causes of the issue.

      2.Declutter and clean
      "Keep clutter to a minimum and move objects away from walls to ensure you can check what's hiding behind them. Less clutter means less places to hide. Ensure waste is kept in closed bins, and clean pipes and drains regularly if possible."

        3.Eliminate potential food sources
        "This can be done by storing dry foods in tightly sealed containers, making sure food is not left sitting out on counters, and cleaning up any spillages."

        4.Know who to contact
        "Whether you're dealing with a pest problem or are simply looking to prevent one, it's important that you know who to contact. It's the role of external contractors to be fully up-to-date on the latest legislation changes in their area of expertise.

        "Pest controllers are no different, so if you're in unsure of best way to prevent rodents in your home then it's always best to check with the experts."

        5. Stop feeding wild birds and animals
        It's important to provide food for birds, but rats are known for feeding on grain and may be attracted to your garden by fallen food from bird feeders. If you have a rat infestation, it could be a good idea to store bird and other animal food in secure containers until the situated has been dealt with.

        how to get rid of rats

        Corinne von Nordmann Getty Images

        How can you keep rats out of your home?

        "There are some simple things you can do to help discourage rats from moving in and around your home, stopping an infestation before it occurs," Dee Ward-Thompson, Technical Manager at British Pest Control Association (BPCA) tells Country Living.

        Dee says some of the ways to keep rats out of the home include:

        1.Keeping bins closed
        "Cover any household waste where rats can get access to it. Keep your bin lids closed. Try and keep your bins out of direct sunlight to help reduce the smells and decrease the rate of decomposition pests are attracted too. Regularly clean out your containers also."

        2.Be careful when feeding birds
        Rats aren't picky eaters. Remember if you're feeding birds or other wildlife in your garden, this will encourage rats too. If you feed garden birds, use a feeder basket. Don't put out too much food at once."

        3.Check entry points
        "Check for entry points in and around your home and outbuildings. Seal gaps around pipes and under sheds. Even small holes can create easy access for pests. Rats can squeeze through any space you can fit a thumb through.

        4.Keep your garden tidy

        "Keeping your garden tidy by cleaning up debris and woodpiles limits potential nesting sites for rats."

        What scent will keep rats away?

        Rats don't like the smell of peppermint, so placing peppermint oil on cotton wool balls in corners of your home will help to keep them away. Replace this every few days to ensure they keep their distance.


        Mice Repellent Rodent Control Deterrent Mouse Oil All Natural Peppermint Scent

        Grandpa Gus's amazon.co.uk


        What are the best DIY methods of removal?

        If you're looking for ways to easily remove the rodents yourself, there are some simple cost-effective ways you can try. These include...

        • Create a 'bait station' to trap the rat (without harming it) and then release it safely away from your home. You can use foods such as dried fruits, nuts or even bacon to attract the rats.
        • Use a traditional rat trap. These can be purchased in local hardware stores.
        • Place peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, pepper and cloves around the home to keep them away.
        • Sprinkle crushed pepper, or spray a pepper spray, near openings and holes.

          When should you call an exterminator?

          "If it's too late and you've already got an established infestation, then you might need some professional help," Dee says.

          "While you can pick up rat poison (rodenticide) from a DIY store, amateur rat control can be ineffective and sometimes dangerous. Always read the label on any rat bait you purchase and make sure it cannot be accessed by wildlife, family pets or children."

          "Many areas in the UK now have rats that are resistant to some poisons," she adds. "Pest management professionals have access to different products not on sale to the general public and can manage poison-resistant rats. They'll also be able to protect other non-target species and give you some advice on how to stop rats from re-infesting your property."

          Remember: Failed DIY treatments can actually make infestations worse, so always use a trained, insured and audited pest management company.

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          Source: https://www.countryliving.com/uk/homes-interiors/interiors/a28853571/how-get-rid-rats/

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